Sunday, September 27, 2009

"What I've Learned This Year" by Mr. McClung

I really enjoyed reading Mr. McClung's article. He told how we as future teachers should first, stay positive! Don't focus so much on the lesson that you don't notice if the students are comprehending it. He also commented on how we should have high expectations for our students,however, we need to realize that some will meet our goals and some will not. When some don't succeed, we should encourage them to try again and never scold them.
He also stated how communication is very important with other teachers as well as with your students. Teachers should also be life long learners and not afraid of technology. Mr. McClung's reflections on his first year where very helpful to me as a future teacher.


  1. The most difficult part of what you wrote above is communication with other teachers. Honestly, you will find more in common with the students in your class than you will in most schools you might work at. I would suggest you develop a personal learning network of peers that have similar interests as yourself. I would like to suggest Twitter (ask Dr. Strange for help) and visiting class blogs and leaving comments. Both of these can truly help you develop close relationships that can help you.

    Mr. C

  2. Mr. C adds an interesting perspective. I think he is correct!
