Monday, October 12, 2009

New Media Literacies

New Media Literacies

The skills discussed in this video are important for people working and living in today's world. Some of these skills are required to do certain jobs and others you just acquire as you learn. I don't believe that these are new skills at all though.

Employers expect their employees to possess certain skills. You must then apply them in the workplace. Technology is changing, however, these skills discussed by NML have been around for years. I think that these skills are just applied in a different way/setting now because of the changing technology.

I think I possess many of the skills discussed. I am a multi-tasker, negotiater, and visualizer. I think these are good skills to have and am able to apply them at my job. I think as I learn more technology that I will be able to acquire many more of these skills. Click hereto watch the NML video.

1 comment:

  1. I think the point that the NML group was trying to stress was that these skills must be the center of our instructional activities. I do not think that this has been the case before (or even now).
